My friend Kristin is a brilliant photographer. Her pictures are so beautiful and romantic and I just love them.
Kristín asked me a few weeks ago if I was interested in making some christmas cupcakes that she would then photograph for her Continue reading
Month: December 2015
Chocolate cake with Baileys swiss meringue buttercream
What is better than a dark chocolate cake with light and delightful Baileys swiss meringue buttercream? That’s right, nothing! 😉
A few weeks ago I had a lunch date with friends Continue reading
Chocolate sugar cookies – recipe
I love sugar cookies! They are so much fun to decorate and they taste sooo good! Yummy! (a lot of exclamation marks – I know – but I just love them 😉 )
I was so honored to receive a visit from a Icelandic home interior design magazine, Hús og Híbýli last month. My home and Continue reading